Evolution has not had time to prepare the child within for a modern kind of birthing experience.

Evolution has not had time to prepare the child within for a modern kind of birthing experience. We cannot comprehend why our desperate cries for the fulfilment of our innate expectations go unanswered, and we start to develop a sense of wrongness and shame about ourself and our desires. If, however, our continuum expectations are fulfilled — precisely at first, with more variation possible as we mature — we will exhibit a natural state of self-assuredness, well-being and joy. Child within whose continuum needs are fulfilled during the early, in-arms phase grow up to have greater self-esteem and become more independent than those whose cries go unanswered for fear of "spoiling" them or making them too dependent. For us we need the gentle correction of the Ten Stages to rebuild our self esteem and understand the crazy making behaviour of others.
